Overview of the Journal

The Journal publishes high-quality scientific papers based on original research, compliant with the scope of the journal. The journal is devoted to economic problems of the agri-food sector and rural development, mainly in the international aspect.

In particular, the journal covers issues connected with:

  • development of agri-food markets,
  • food consumption and agri-food chains,
  • economic and social interactions between agriculture and other economic sectors,
  • social aspects of agricultural development and rural development,
  • macroeconomic and sectorial policies in the development of the agro-food sector,
  • relationships between natural environment and agriculture,
  • international integration of agri-food markets,
  • sectorial implications of international flows of goods, capital, labour and services,
  • globalisation and its impact on the agri-food sector.

The journal has been published regularly since 1978 as Problems of World Agriculture, since 2007 as a quarterly and a series of the Scientific Journal of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences Problems of World Agriculture. It publishes scientific papers both in Polish and English. All papers written in Polish have the English language version of the Abstract and Key Words. Scientific papers are reviewed by at least two independent and anonymous specialists from a given field (ensuring a double-blind peer review process).

The Scientific Journal of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences Problems of World Agriculture is an open-access journal. Immediately after the decision to publish all papers are freely available online via the journal website. All papers are made available under the Creative Commons CC BY-NC license (Creative Commons CC BY-NC), which means that the shared materials can be freely copied, printed and distributed for non-commercial purposes.

The journal has implemented and applies ethics principles based on the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE): Ethics. The procedure to be followed in the event of a suspected redundant (duplicate) publication (in accordance with COPE recommendations) can be found here: Full set of flowcharts.

Full versions of papers published in the journals since 2006 are available on our website http://sj.wne.sggw.pl/prs/. Starting from 2020, the journal is published only in the electronic version (e-ISSN 2544-0659).

Repository: http://sj.wne.sggw.pl/prs/

All papers have a DOI number10.22630/PRS